Bush gives a shout-out to the Republic Party.

Whether a slip of the tongue or a deliberate joke, I got a kick out of President Bush’s comment during his press conference just two minutes ago:

…and, as I mentioned, I’ve talked to Bob Gates about it, as well as talked to the Joint Chiefs about it, as well as consult with members of the congress, both Republics and Democrats, as I make a decision about the way forward in Iraq.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

2 replies on “Bush gives a shout-out to the Republic Party.”

  1. The news conference held to defray attention to the Conyers hearing, in which the committee is deciding whether or not to issue an inherent contempt citation re: Harriet Miers.

    “Look, Bush made a funny! Nothing to see over there in the irrelevant Congress.”

  2. I think a Republic is someone who belongs to the Republicanic party.

    Then again, maybe he’s saying he consulted with both the PRC and the ROC, as well as with a few Democrats.

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