Congressional hearings on GSA misconduct.

The video from the congressional hearings on GSA misconduct is stunning. The degree to which the White House has politicized government cannot be supported by any reasonable American. There can be no excuse for employing the GSA in RNC Congressional reelection efforts.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

3 replies on “Congressional hearings on GSA misconduct.”

  1. The degree to which Tom Davis is complicit in this is also stunning. He was the one who was *supposed* to be doing this kind of oversight for the past several years, and here he is joshing with Doan about her “troubles” with the Inspector General. What, Tom, having one of your cronies at the GSA in prison isn’t enough?

  2. I listened to this whole hearing on CSPAN. It really was amazing how boldly the Administrator just flat lied to the Committee. Remembers the smallest details when a Republican was questioning her, and then whaddaya know, can’t remember a damn thing when a Democrat asked a question.

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