One URL to bind them.

On the value of unambiguous URLs. Every URL must have one and only one URL — no optional “www,” no optional “index.whatever,” no optional trailing slash. Good advice. (Via Daring Fireball)

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

2 replies on “One URL to bind them.”

  1. I have an ounce of sympathy for delicious and the like who wish to aggregate URLs, but this all comes about for a good reason. If I, as a site operator, know that 3% of people will enter when I direct them to, I damn well intend to make both urls work.

    To do otherwise is to behave as if you had a front door on your business that 3% of people (handicapped, maybe?) couldn’t open. While there are limits and I don’t advocate coding to Netscape 2.0, for example, there are good reasons why multiple URLs resolve to the same identity.

  2. Oh, I think there’s enormous value to providing such redirections, and I’m not sure that the author of the linked blog entry believes otherwise. (And if he does, then he’s wrong. :) When providing access via those alternate addresses, you just need to send a 301 header so that it’s clear to all compliant clients that the originally-entered URL is deprecated.

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