5 replies on “SOTU tag cloud.”

  1. What amuses me about this tag cloud is that it verifies my instincts regarding Bush’s much-ballyhooed turnabout on global warming: It was the merest bone toss to get positive airplay. There are no tags on any key words related to the issue, even from a Republican slant. To wit, the tag cloud is specifically missing artic, biodiesel, climate (change), crops, dependence, drilling, ecology, efficiency, energy, environment, ethanol, fossil, gas, global, natural, oil, petroleum, renewable, resources, and warming. The only two related words that made the list were “fuel” and “nuclear,” and the latter was more aligned with “weapons” than energy sources.

  2. I was surprised to see “Iran” so small. If I had to guess, I assumed that it would be twice as large. Turns out that I assigned it more importance than his words would seem to indicate I should have.

  3. That happens to me all the time, Waldo. Often, I’ll watch a Democrat give a speech and hear things like “raise taxes,” “amnesty,” and “Kyoto Protocol,” only to discover later that the speaker never once said any of those things.

  4. Psst, Smails. Blahblah blah blah kyoaddato yadda prototter collatera yaddayadda blah. :)

    Seriously, it was amazing how much press attention the Prez’s obviously short section acknowledging climate change got, when compared to what he clearly spent the most time speaking on. Perhaps we have all turned off our ears? I’m beginning to appreciate the usefulness of tag clouds in grounding our teeny tiny attention spans.

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