29 House Republicans support slavery apology.

I am pleased to announce that the following Republican members of the House of Delegates will be voting in favor of the slavery apology bill.

  • Clay Athey
  • Rob Bell
  • Bill Carrico
  • Ben Cline
  • Mark Cole
  • John Cosgrove
  • Anne Crockett-Stark
  • Bill Fralin
  • Jeff Frederick
  • Tom Gear
  • Clarke Hogan
  • Tim Hugo
  • Bob Hurt
  • Sal Iaquinto
  • Bill Janis
  • Scott Lingamfelter
  • Matt Lohr
  • Danny Marshall
  • Jackson Miller
  • Dave Nutter
  • John O’Bannon
  • Chris Peace
  • Melanie Rapp
  • Tom Rust
  • Chris Saxman
  • Ed Scott
  • Terrie Suit
  • John Welch
  • Rob Wittman

At least, I assume that they’ll be voting for it.

You see, House Majority Leader Morgan Griffith (R-Salem) repeatedly made clear in his

      comments on the floor today
that the reason that his party is in favor of holding secret votes to kill bills is because Democrats, when they held the majority, sometimes did unfair things, too. They’re exacting revenge for what was done to them. Top House Republicans have also made clear that they’re opposed to apologizing for slavery because the people being apologized to weren’t personally affected by slavery.

The above list of Republicans is a list of every Republican who has never known a Democratic-led house (they all took office post-1999) but voted against HR48 today. So, clearly, they disagree with their party on the matter of when apologies are due, and believe that responding to long-ago wrongs is appropriate — they have put on the record their support for punishing the sins of a collective group, even if though they weren’t individually harmed.

I eagerly await their support of the slavery apology.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

24 replies on “29 House Republicans support slavery apology.”

  1. Just out of curiosity, where can I corroborate this list–are you 100% sure that all these legislators are in favor of the apology? Where did the list come from, how was it selected, what guidelines were used in its collaboration?

  2. Let’s think of this as a pattern of Waldo blogging tactics… Might you recall Waldo that you suggested in the top of a post that Rep. Virgil Goode was having an affair before he divorced his wife and remarried?

    Then down towards the bottom of the post, you say… ooopps. You know what happens when we assume. It makes an ass out of you and me…. and did not correct your assertion in the top of the post..

    Difference here Waldo is that the ‘you’ in the former and later examples are clearly not the ones being an Ass.

    It will be very interesting to see how ‘your’ list votes…

  3. Might you recall Waldo that you suggested in the top of a post that Rep. Virgil Goode was having an affair before he divorced his wife and remarried?

    Um. Not quite. Your comparison is terrible.

    Chris, if the worst thing that you can throw at me is that I once made a mistake in a comment and promptly and fully corrected it, you might want to find something a little more target-rich.

  4. Still waiting for that corroboration and guideline selection for that list Waldo, believe it or not, I’m not trying to be a thorn in your side. I am seriously just curious…but by you dodging the question and not giving me a straight answer…it does kinda look like I’m the rose stem…

  5. Is it now, you take the names of 29 elected Delegates and post this:
    “I am pleased to announce that the following Republican members of the House of Delegates will be voting in favor of the slavery apology bill.”

    Much like it is fact then throw in a disclaimer:

    “At least, I assume that they’ll be voting for it.”

    and act like that is not mis-representing any of those Delegates views? Well, Waldo I guess that is between you and them… I am merely gazing in wide wonder at your license to declare these elected Gentleman’s intent and/or actual postions..

  6. Spank and john-

    Boy, you guys seem to be missing the point here. Read the entry; it takes a little thought and reading comp skills, but the whole thing is actually pretty clear – and pretty clearly not a “misrepresentation” of anything.

    I think it’s actually pretty insightful and amusing – I’m just enjoying the pointing out of the relatively obvious conclusions that can be drawn if politicians really vote on “conscience” rather than according to random amd petty party concerns.

    I, for one, applaud you Waldo. Well done.

  7. I have never seen a more perfectly executed example of self-exposed mental deficiency. You got two critters in that snare Mr. Jacquith. Very impressive.

  8. Well, it’s ostensibly a free market of information, Chris. Blogs that are bad can’t and don’t get readers. Blogs that are good get readers. If my blog is not good, you should stop reading it because, in doing so, you are directly supporting it. (As you explained w/r/t my aggregator.) I can’t imagine why you’d waste your time on something so utterly useless. Vote with your eyeballs and stop reading this unreliable, biased, propaganda-ridden blog.

  9. Absolutely, Waldo. We should all go over and read the blogs that read like ‘oops I was hit on the head by a freakin’ boulder’ just to make sure that the SWACtion is still embarassing itself every day.

    This thread, however, defies description. A calculated attack? A brownout of their minds? Maybe that’s supposed to be the schtick. If it is, they are doing way too good of a job playing dumb.

    As for secrecy, I am not for it.

  10. It is worth noting that Iaquinto and Wittman are co-patrons. Don’t know about the other 27 :).

  11. I wouldn’t have said a word, if you would have laid out your theory then posited that those 29 should vote for it in the bottom of your post…. Instead you lead with that, and yes it is deceptive…

    I only drop in on you Waldo when I see something that catches my eye on BNN. You are not a daily read my friend… I can turn on CNN and get your take on the issues…

    Dan Says:
    “As opposed to your brand of straight-forward misinformation”

    Specifics Sir! Try specific posts… Feel free to tear holes in my latest, but I notice no one is interested in apologizing to the Queen when she gets here, much less asking her for one!

  12. I only drop in on you Waldo when I see something that catches my eye on BNN. You are not a daily read my friend… I can turn on CNN and get your take on the issues…

    Well, thanks for your support — via traffic — and your kind words about the breadth of my coverage. Though it’s probably best not to rely on me as you would a first-rate source like CNN, I appreciate the thought.

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