5 replies on “When user fees aren’t enough.”

  1. Was there ever any question at Virginia GSA who would be paying the eVA fees? There should not have been any question. If I have to pay to register, and pay a fee based on award amount…why wouldn’t I pass it on as an allowable cost? The state needs to run the system, support the system, and pay for the system, after all the benefit of this central registry is to the state. This mess is the result of poor procurement managament at General Services – ironic in that it is their job to procure services.

  2. VCU is having the same problems with it. It directly discourages student organizations and other departments from buying from small local vendors, since these vendors usually are not aware of the eVA database. Even Ukrop’s isn’t in on the deal, which is easily one of the largest catering groups to the university. I hope this is dropped like a bad habit.

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