Will Goode leave the Republican Party?

Given Rep. Virgil Goode’s history of switching parties to whomever is in the majority, I wonder if he’ll be jumping ship on Republicans?

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

7 replies on “Will Goode leave the Republican Party?”

  1. Given Bush’s statement today that he hopes he can work with the Democrats on immigration reform, it’s probably more likely that Virgil would bail out to form a third party with an anti-immigrant agenda. He could call it the “Know-Nothing Party” in honor of nineteenth-century predecessors.

    Was this a serious question? I can’t imagine he’d be rewarded with anything meaningful if he did switch parties again.

  2. hhmmm, if Goode did, we would have to check his heritage and see if he
    has any Italian blood. The Italians, during both WW I and WW II, started
    the wars on one side, switched over to the other side when the tide
    turned each time, ending up as “winners”!

  3. I wonder if he might start thinking about a run for another office. Things will probably get sort of uncomfortable for Virgil now. Being in the minority all of a sudden sucks badly enough to begin with. But Virgil can expect especially rough treatment at the hands of his new Democratic party overlords. Because they see him as a turncoat. If I were in his shoes I’d be considering other career options.

  4. Hi, Jack,

    Not sure Virgil will ever consider other career options. Nor will he need to unless he’s impeached. Much of Southside didn’t care about the MZM scandal, and Virgil didn’t get or give nearly as many $$ as other Congress critters on the take have. It was impossible to get that to stick on him during this last election.

    I get the (perhaps erroneous) impression that he sees himself as cognate Mitch Van Yahres, able to hold his seat through decades of change. At which he may succeed, if the Dems redistrict us. After all, we’re the ones who dislike him the most.

    Re: redistricting in general, which was mentioned elsewhere. I’m not sure how I feel about that–it seems our blue streak is slowly having a positive effect on the 5th. If you took us out of the equation, how strong a Democrat machine could Martinsville generate? Color me ambivalent. It would be nice to have a Representative who represents us. It would also be nice to have a positive impact on our district, instead of just being another bunch of blue sheep in a blue herd.

  5. But Virgil can expect especially rough treatment at the hands of his new Democratic party overlords. Because they see him as a turncoat.

    I hadn’t even thought about that. He’s going to be the new Chair of Toilet Cleaning.

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