Legislation to ban autodialed, recorded messages.

Del. Bob Brink intends to introduce legislation to restrict robocalls in Virginia. Yay — I’m sick of them. I don’t care how effective they are. If it had the side effect of making it illegal for Blockbuster to call me three times a week for six months running to ask me to return a video (I’m not even a member), that’d be great too.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

3 replies on “Legislation to ban autodialed, recorded messages.”

  1. School systems in our area use these sorts of calls to let parents and students know information and remind about activities and meetings.

    It is annoying, but it also not political. I would like to see any such law exempt schools from it. It is a good system for doing what is designed to do.

    Is it misused? Yes. But not nearly like the political variant of the calls.

  2. I got loads of these in the days before the election and let the answering machine catch them all. One of them was even paid for by a “right to life” organization and not approved by the candidate they supported. All of them supported George Allen. I’d already decided I wasn’t supporting Mr. Allen so they really didn’t have any effect on me other than as a nuisance.

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