Rep. Foley steps down.

I intended to write a defense of Congressman Mark Foley (R-FL) and his e-mail exchange with a 16-year-old intern. Foley was inquiring as to the boy’s interests, vacation, etc. — it annoyed me to see people attempt to sexualize such an innocent-seeming exchange. Well, now Foley has stepped down after sexually explicit exchanges with current and former interns came to light. He was chairman of the House Caucus on Missing and Exploited Children.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

5 replies on “Rep. Foley steps down.”

  1. If you would like to really get sick, read the comments on the ABC site.

    Evidently, Republicans are not all that fond of being told one of their own is a philandering near-pedophile. There were cries of “Clinton/Lewinski” and claims that Janet Reno is gay.

    The commenters seemed to think that this was all just another “left-wing conspiracy” to bring down a fellow GoOPer.

    I did feel kind of sick reading their responses. I wonder what color the sky is in their world?

  2. As one of the token conservatives on this site, I am ashamed and horrified by this guy’s behavior. When I recall what a good advocate I thought Foley was for Bush re: the whole 2000 election debacle in FLA, I shudder.

    He needs help, and I hope they have it in the prison he oughtta be sent to if there’s found to be more than IMs that occurred.

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