5 replies on “Is your business safe?”

  1. You know I’ve got to wonder- Is there any other state that’s gone as far as Virginia has, trying to deny any two gay people legal protections simply because they’re trying to make a life together? I don’t think any other state has gone this far trying to pass legistation as mean spirited and spiteful as this seems to be.

    If this actually passes I’d really like to see something like a tourism boycott of Virginia. If the bill passes the state’s earned it.

  2. If an elderly widow wants to sign a piece of paper giving her sister or best friend the power to make medical decisions for her in the event that she should become incapacitated, she will no longer be able to do so. When 2 business partners investing in real estate sign an agreement stating that all of their assets and profits will be divided evenly between them in the event that the partnership is terminated, then that will become illegal under this proposed amendment. At every turn, small business people and investors will be stopped from conducting normal transactions. You’ll have to start a business venture with your own money or loan or not at all.

    If you needed to team up with a partner in order to start a business then that’s too bad according to the Virginia Republican Party. Imagine what the results of this will be on a Commonwealth-wide scale. The businesses and investments that can no longer be formed and made. Jobs will be lost. Tax revenue will suffer. This is the stupidest, most poorly-phrased piece of legislation that I have ever seen written in my entire life. It represents the final and total abandonment of fiscal and economic conservatism by the Virginia Republican Party. This is easily the most fiscally irresponsible piece of pending legislation anywhere in America today.

  3. It goes beyond gay folks, or even just two people of the same sex.

    Oh I understand that, I guess the point I was trying to make- was that it applies to any two people that aren’t married- because the politicians that sponsored this bill want to remove the availablity of the “legal instruments” that same sex couples have used to create a rough approximation of a marriage (minus the entitlements that a normal marriage would get). I don’t think any state in the union, regardless of their position on “gay marriage” has tried to go that far. It’s unconscionable.

    That it goes “beyond gay folks” is a happy side effect. I say happy- because its an additional illustration of how unreasonable the entire amendment is. Without which I’m sure many people wouldn’t have given a second thought to the amendment.

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