Fools know no partisan boundaries.

Anti-abortion blogger taken in by Onion article, yet still can’t understand that he was duped. It’s nice when people on both sides of such a contentious issue can come together to have a good laugh at a dope.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

4 replies on “Fools know no partisan boundaries.”

  1. This whole thing has the “Aroma of Rove” all over it. I dont think he had a paw in this one, but he loaned out his playbook to this ‘idiot’.

    People read the site, some in fascination, others in disgust….but he built it and we came. It put the issue in front of the World wrapped in an easy to digest facade of a supposed ‘dim bulb’ who just does not get it.

    Sound Familiar? 2000….2004……

    I think Im going to put Google Ads on my site, somehow spin stem cell research with Scientology then tie that into an Onion article…..and retire.

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