3 replies on “Flu map.”

  1. I’m so glad I got my flu shot this year. There’s nothing worse than being sick during warm weather.

  2. I kept meaning to get mine, but never did. I didn’t try early on, knowing that the elderly and infants should get first dibs, and next thing I knew it was March. I figured there was no point in getting a flu shot in March.


  3. Yeah that’s me, clawing my way over the elderly, to the front of the flu shot line! :)

    But seriously, a couple of years back when there was the government perpetuated panic about a flu shot shortage.. I abstained. This year I waited until January. My first inclination was like yours.. “heck it’s January why bother.”

    Then I remembered when there is a hurricane, and there’s the chance it might hit somewhere.. If I’m in that state.. It’s not a chance anymore – it’s a given. So I got the shot.

    Vitamen C and V8 are my favorite flu fighters (if a sore throat is involved than spicy V8).

    Anyway, here’s to a speedy recovery!

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