LeBlanc fight continues.

It didn’t end in committee. LeBlanc’s nomination is being debate on floor of the House now, in the form of SJR 186, which would strike LeBlanc from the slate of nominees. The debate is not over LeBlanc’s qualifications, but over unions and Virginia’s “right to work” law. Everybody’s speechifying along party lines, with Republicans saying that LeBlanc is “out of the mainstream” (Reid) and “sends the wrong message to businesses” (Cosgrove). It seems fairly clear that this will be a straight party-line vote, or close to it, and that the LeBlanc nomination isn’t going to happen. Which is good news, as far as I’m concerned: it’s red meat to Republicans’ base, but it’s a great deal redder and meatier to our base. Keep up the good work, House Republicans. Phil Kellam thanks you.

3:00pm Update: By a 55-42 vote, LeBlanc’s confirmation has been denied. Let the games begin.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

6 replies on “LeBlanc fight continues.”

  1. “Keep up the good work, House Republicans. Phil Kellam thanks you.”

    Am I missing something? Are you implying that this will seriously be an issue in Virginia Beach? Unions are all but invisible in a town whose economy is dependent upon the military and tourist dollars. I doubt Phil Kellam cares one way or the other; Thelma Drake doesn’t serve in the House of Delegates and if he needs this issue to fire up the Party’s base he has more problems than I realize.

  2. politicalopinion,

    This in its self is not that important. But it is possible that this can be the beginnings of an obstructionists narrative: the hyper partisan Republican House, at every turn getting in the way of the popular Governor, and the common sense Senate. Things seem to be shaping up that way.

    That is the bat.

    And as far as LeBlanc possibly getting in-between Kaine and the business community . . . that was a distinct possibility; and maybe in the end it all works out, aye?

    More likely though, my bet is that the business community is more interested in getting SERIOUS road infrastructure, and will hang their hat on who ever can get that done.

    “If anything, this vote will energize the GOP Base as it is fractured right now with disillusionment as a result of the pro-tax GOP state Senate.”

    Is this all you guys got to get you up in the morning? Talk about having more problems than you realize.

  3. politicalopinion,

    Also, does the “Base”, who is not the business community: the mom and pop grassroots, really care that much about Right To Work?

    I doubt it.

  4. politicalopinion,

    Also, does the “GOP Base”, who is not the business community: the mom and pop grassroots, really care that much about Right To Work?

    I doubt it.

  5. What does Kellam has to do with this?

    Those smarter than I tell me that unions, previously unconvinced that there was any need to work much on behalf of Democrats, are now fired up. Danny LeBlanc is their guy, and anybody who is going to go after their guy — Virginia Republicans — is going to pay, as far as they’re concerned. And if they’re volunteering their time, it’s Kellam who the party intends to have them work for, because he’s got the best shot of unseating an incumbent congresscritter of all the candidates this year.

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