AG count over?

I’m told that the three precincts remaining to be counted in the Deeds/McDonnell AG race don’t actually exist. If that’s so, then all votes that need to be counted have been counted, which would leave Bob McDonnell the winner, by 0.08%, pending a recount, of course.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

8 replies on “AG count over?”

  1. I’ve heard that as well, however, if you look at returns from 2004 presidential, you’ll see that is not represented in the SBE statistics.
    One precinct is outstanding in Richmond City – 910 (or was it 901?). In any case, look back at 2004 – there are votes in both 910 entries.
    In 2003, it becomes apparant the precinct is actually split between two delegate districts. Perhaps that is no longer the case and the SBE
    failed to update their records. Or maybe all of the votes were lumped under the one entry. But if neither of these is the case, then it
    appears that there is still a partial precinct outstanding in Richmond. In any case, very confusing – if none are truly outstanding then the SBE
    needs to fix their spreadsheets, tootsweet.

  2. two of the three are in james city county. one precinct is Central Absentee Precinct ( C003). the jcc registrar said there were about 1,000 absentee ballots county-wide. Central Absentee Precinct ( C001) shows 1,004 votes (McDonell 600 – Deeds 403). i’d guess all of the absentees have been counted in C001. the other is Roberts B. i don’t know why those AG ballots haven’t been posted since everything else from that precinct has been. kilgore won the precinct 672 – 533 and Bolling won it 766 – 472. so, when they post Roberts B, it should in fact add to McDonell’s 1,585 vote lead. i don’t think we’re sitting on 1,600 Deeds votes down here, teasing everybody.

  3. all precincts in now. mcdonell leads by 1,520 (as of 12:22 – totals keep changing). james city county roberts b result: mcdonell 776, deeds 465.

    i blame mayor wilder for byrne and deeds losses (if in fact deeds does lose). here’s why: mayor d endorsed kaine, causing some small amount of news at least among us political junkies. question – was the endorsement worth 30k african american votes? if the answer is no, then why is his endorsement news? if the answer is yes, then might not his endorsement of byrne and deeds been worth 30k african american votes as well? 30k more votes and both win. heck, 3k and deeds wins. if the mayor endorsement isn’t worth 3,000 votes, surely it’s not news. sure, there are a million reasons for the losses, but in my opinion mayor d’s failure to endorse is one significant factor.

  4. I hadn’t considered that before, mc.

    Wilder is so popular and influential his support really would have made the difference, certainly for Deeds if not for Byrne.

    As I understand it, Wilder witheld his support from Deeds because of his willingness to consider reviewing the one-handgun-a-month law. Did Wilder actually believe that McDonnell wouldn’t?

    Makes no sense. I see it as extremely damaging to the health and future of Virginia to put the AG’s in McDonnells hands. McDonnell is the bridge by which the National Republican Culture of Corruption crosses the potomac.

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