Wilder loves McDonnell’s opposition to guns.

Man, if Richmond mayor Doug Wilder endorses Republican Bob McDonnell over Democratic Sen. Creigh Deeds, I’ll have to laugh like hell.

The Democratic mayor is said to be unhappy with Sen. Deeds, because Deeds voted against his one-handgun-a-month law back in 1993. (Which passed, by the way, and remains the law of the land here.) But he’s thrilled with Deeds’ opponent, Del. McDonnell, because McDonnell voted for the law.

Remember that McDonnell’s campaign has got to be freaking out over losing the NRA endorsement to Sen. Deeds last week. So to get an endorsement from the former governor on the basis of McDonnell’s support for gun control is what you call an endorsement delivered with a smile, a handshake, and a knife to the back.

Incidentally, McDonnell has since changed his mind, and says that, if elected he’ll work to repeal the one-gun-a-month restriction. So this is a lose-lose issue for him.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »