NARAL endorses nobody.

Good for NARAL for their decision to endorse nobody in the Virginia governor’s race, but to condemn Republican Jerry Kilgore. A NARAL endorsement would have been waved around by the Kilgore campaign as “proof” that centrist Democrat Tim Kaine is “way out of touch” and “much too liberal for Virginia.” The fact is that Kaine is a centrist in the mold of Mark Warner.

Though some Democrats will criticize them for it, NARAL’s negative endorsement of Kilgore and non-endorsement in the race was shrewd, and works strongly to Tim Kaine’s advantage.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

7 replies on “NARAL endorses nobody.”

  1. I totally agree that this was a shrewd decision. It’s not true that NARAL-VA has endorsed nobody, though. They endorsed Leslie Byrne, Creigh Deeds, and 35 HOD candidates. We need to publicize that, too!

  2. Quick nit-pick, too: you link to NARAL Pro-Choice America’s Web site. This endorsement announcement came from NARAL Pro-Choice Virginia, which is a totally separate legal organization based here in Virginia. :-)

  3. I suspect that this NARAL endorsement will be pointless anyways. It may help Kaine in urban areas and hurt him in the rural areas, which were already aligned in favor and against, respectively. If anything comes of this, I think this might negatively affect Kaine, as Russ Potts recieved an endorsment (of sorts) from NARAL.

  4. Actually, it is very clear that Potts did NOT receive an endorsement from NARAL-VA. That’s the big news here. That and the fact that Ann O’Hanlon complimented Kaine in the announcement is quite significant, and it stands in stark contradiction to claims on the right that this is a sign that Kaine’s “base” is abandoning him.

  5. Waldo, who are you guys kidding? Simply saying that Tim Kaine is a centrist will not make it so. He
    isn’t Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz where saying something three times and clicking your heels will
    result in the desired effect. There is nothing centrist about his stand on gun issues. There is nothing
    centrist about his stance on keeping marraige between one man and one woman, and there is nothing
    centrist about his stand on further tax increases. Reps. Allen Boyd (D-FL), Rick Boucher(D-VA),
    LF Payne (former D-VA) are good examples of centrists. The Democratic party of VA would be better
    off to square away its base and get out the vote (because God knows we can’t get our damned base fired up.
    The funny thing is that your folks either haven’t noticed that fact, or don’t care. Kilgore’s camp should
    be very happy that you guys are running a worse campaign than they are.

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