Bill Emory.

Recently, a friend e-mailed me and asked what Charlottesville blogs are my must-reads — what I make sure to read every day. The fact is that I read every C’ville blog every day, because I subscribe to the Charlottesville Blogs RSS feed, but there are definitely some that I look forward to more than others.

Reggie and SophieAt the moment, my favorite is definitely Bill Emory’s “Black and White”. Most every day, he’s got one, maybe two photographs, and they’re always absolutely stunning. Yesterday’s blog entry about Merry the ferry-riding dog was just wonderful — photographic haiku, as one commenter described it. Some of my other favorites in the few months that Bill has been blogging include “Sophie makes friends everywhere,” “report,” “report [2],” “His own man,” “Film fireworks,” “Backroads,” and “Being money.”

I’ve been a fan of Bill’s photography for years. But getting to see them every day, delivered right to my computer? It’s a huge treat.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

One reply on “Bill Emory.”

  1. There should be a MudHouse blog alliance. more differing views in this little hooch than in the
    entire state. Would be interesting.

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