Banning adoption by gay couples.

You know how orphanages are empty and foster parents aren’t even needed anymore, because all kids are being adopted?

Yeah, me neither.

Nobody’s told Delegates Dick Black and Bob Marshall, though — they’ve introduced HB 2921, which would modify state adoption law, adding this one line:

No person under this statute may adopt if that person is a homosexual.

Of course, all studies make clear that children raised by gay parents are in no way different than children raised by straight parents. (Are we to believe that straight couples always produce straight children?)

Black and Marshall, anti-family guys that they are, say hey, screw the orphans. Better to have them shuffled around between foster homes or warehoused in orphanages than have them in a loving, stable home.

To be fair, Black and Marshall are insane. Not, like, hey, I disagree with them — I think that they’re probably, actually, insane. They’re a source of deep shame to their fellow Republicans, and a target of scorn among Democrats. But a law like this makes clear that they have no interest in acting in the best interests of anybody in the commonwealth — they’re just bitter, hateful, out-of-touch old men, a handful of pills away from the asylum.

(Via Daily Kos)

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

One reply on “Banning adoption by gay couples.”

  1. “No person under this statute may adopt if that person is a homosexual”

    This is a particularly nasty suggestion, that a class of people be singled out, not for what they do (even that would be bad enough), but for WHO THEY ARE.

    Will the legislation go on to define exactly what constitutes a homosexual? Do you have to have had intercourse with somebody of the same sex within the past year? What about if a woman just kissed another woman, and it was ten year ago, and she was in college and drunk? Would it help if she publicly renounced her actions? What about if a man hugged and kissed another man? It wouldn’t count if they were father and son, would it? Well, what about grandfather and son? What about if somebody liked to look at provacative pictures of people of the same sex? How about if they watch Will and Grace regularly and laugh at all the “inside gay” jokes?

    Do we really want the government going here? These guys are nuts.

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