On blog accountability.

From the Augusta Free Press:

“Inevitably, the network of blogs, in this case the Virginia blogosphere, will feed off one another, and we’ll correct each other and help each other and so on,” Jaquith said. “But what we haven’t done is set up a comfortable correction mechanism. If I correct somebody, it might just look like I’m calling them out, like I’m being combative.

“I want us as a community to recognize that we have each others’ backs, that we can help each other out, and helping doesn’t always mean saying, ‘Yes, what he said.’ Sometimes it means saying, ‘What you reported is not really accurate, and let me explain why,'” Jaquith said.

“It’s like telling a friend that they have a poppy seed in their teeth. If you tell a perfect stranger, they might really be annoyed. It takes a certain level of comfort to be able to tell them,” Jaquith said.

It’s pretty lame to post a blog entry that consists of a blockquote of my own words from another publication. I don’t know if it’s good or bad that I’m posting this anyway.

Published by Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith (JAKE-with) is an open government technologist who lives near Char­lottes­­ville, VA, USA. more »

3 replies on “On blog accountability.”

  1. Eh, I can’t say I find anything wrong with a little self-promotion; at the very least, this doesn’t seem very unreasonable.

    And I guess this comment also confirms a bit of what you said.

  2. I hate the word, too — it’s hideous. I tried not to say it, and more or less managed. But not saying it even more awkward, at least when attempting to refer to a blog community or the collective outputs of the whole of…er…blogdom.

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